Does Your Child Need Sealants?

Halkyard Family Dental provides excellent dental care for the whole family. Dr. Douglas Halkyard and Dr. Scott Halkyard apply sealants for child patients to prevent tooth decay. Read about sealants and come see us in Morris, IL, to make sure your child has a healthy smile!

What is a sealant?

A dental sealant prevents tooth decay by creating a protective coating from acrylic plastic on the chewing surface of a molar. It protects the tooth enamel from acid, which can eat away at enamel and leave the whole tooth vulnerable to decay. In one simple appointment at our Morris, IL, practice, your child can have extra protection against tooth decay.

Getting a sealant is a routine procedure that is painless for your child. First, the teeth are prepared with a solution that etches the tooth to ensure the sealant material will bond to the tooth perfectly. The plastic material used is painted onto the surfaces of chewing teeth with a brush. A special light cures the material and it hardens. You leave the office with an extra layer of protection on your molars!

Does my child need a sealant?

If you are concerned about the health of your child's teeth, sealants can be placed from ages five and up. A sealant is a great investment in your smile and gives an extra layer of protection against cavities. Along with a healthy diet and a great oral hygiene routine, sealants help ensure your child will have healthy teeth further into their life.

Encourage your child to brush for two minutes twice a day and floss at least once a day. Make sure to keep up with regular cleaning appointments twice a year.

Dr. Douglas Halkyard and Dr. Scott Halkyard are here to help you and your family keep your smiles healthy and beautiful. Contact us for an appointment in Morris, IL, at (815) 942-0830.

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Halkyard Family Dental


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-12:00 pm



